the sequel to BUYING THE FARM
is available on Amazon!
Haven't read BUYING THE FARM?
It's currently discounted to
$10.26 in paperback and FREE on
Kindle Unlimited! Check it out HERE!
In 2007, I pitched a pilot, then called BODY FARM, to Hazy Mills, a very successful production company in Los Angeles with Sean Hayes and Todd Milliner at the helm.. The day we were set to pitch to the studio, the Writers' Strike began. Timing...
Eight months later, we began pitching the show all over LA, but the notes came back, "we're not looking for shows with women." "We're not looking for shows old women." "We're not looking for shows set in the South." "We're not looking for shows with an anti-hero."
(I was diagnosed with cancer the day after our last meeting in 2008. "So your script is dead and you might be soon, too!") Timing...
Every few years we would take the project back out, and it would draw some interest with the powers-that-be asking, "could the characters be younger?" and "could it be soapier?" "What if it's set in Chicago!?"
The story, set in the Deep South, is about four women (of a certain age), who accidentally fall into selling dead body parts on the black market. So no, they can't be younger, soapier, or in Chicago.
We were set to take it back out again in March 2020, and the world shut down the day we were expected back to the studio. Timing...
After a year and a half with no movement, I decided to take my ladies and tell their story in book form. The resulting novel became known as BUYING THE FARM. After querying Lit Agents for a month, I decided to self-publish the book. You can CLICK HERE to purchase the book on AMAZON or CLICK HERE to purchase the book on BARNES AND NOBLE. CLICK HERE to join my mailing list. Timing... I still hope to make the project a feature film or a limited series. We've had some great conversations over the past year, but strikes and the changing landscape has cooled the talks.
After years of writing screenplays (and a very rich history of finding myself in business with "producers" who have absolutely no idea what they are doing), I'm turning my scripts into novels.
I'm also writing my memoir about my years in the film industry entitled, YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN NICER TO ME.
We were set to take it back out again in March 2020, and the world shut down the day we were expected back to the studio. Timing...
After a year and a half with no movement, I decided to take my ladies and tell their story in book form. The resulting novel became known as BUYING THE FARM. After querying Lit Agents for a month, I decided to self-publish the book. You can CLICK HERE to purchase the book on AMAZON or CLICK HERE to purchase the book on BARNES AND NOBLE. CLICK HERE to join my mailing list. Timing... I still hope to make the project a feature film or a limited series. We've had some great conversations over the past year, but strikes and the changing landscape has cooled the talks.
After years of writing screenplays (and a very rich history of finding myself in business with "producers" who have absolutely no idea what they are doing), I'm turning my scripts into novels.
I'm also writing my memoir about my years in the film industry entitled, YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN NICER TO ME.
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I began writing THE REVIVALS almost 10 years ago. Every time I would start into a chapter, I would get hired for a show to cast and I would put it away.
I recently discovered Kindle Vella. This is a free platform for writers, which allows them to upload chapters (as they call "episodes") and receive feedback. It's a great way of holding yourself accountable for a chapters. You can upload at any point, but I'm trying to do a chapter a week.
The first three chapters of any book are free to read. You are gifted with 200 tokens when you start and about 200 tokens are enough to read an entire book on the platform. It's an easy to read platform. You can read on you phone without an app.
You can purchase additional tokens for as low as $1.99 (also enough to read an entire book.)
If you're a writer, I highly recommend you try it.
And in the mean time, check out THE REVIVALS! It's very different from BUYING THE FARM. It's set in the not too distant future in New San Francisco, following an earthquake.
The first eight chapters are up now and I will be releasing new chapters each Tuesday.
Check it out! (And if you like what you see, please "like" the chapter and "follow" the story!)